
It can be pretty disappointing

It can be pretty disappointing to see how little faith Blizzard has its in product, as Warlords (in its admittedly inchoate state) scrambles desperately from cheap wow gold the mobility demands that helped cement Mists of Pandaria as the best raiding expansion to date, and looks to eliminate the established (and popular) concept of flight/increased efficiency as a reward for reaching the level cap. I understand that developers are at least as vulnerable to nostalgia as anyone, but imagine the response if the next Grand Theft Auto game removed flight and motorcycles, restored the horrible GTAIII-era targeting system, and scrubbed swimming in favor of a return to the water = death model. After all, III and Vice City were incredibly popular (and probably seem more "immersive" in the haze of memory), so why wouldn't they?


Where is the worry for DPS that

Where is the worry for DPS that uses the wrong spell? Why don't they run oom and not be able to dps? Oh, buy wow gold well that's easy. You wouldn't be able to kill the boss if all the dps ran out of mana! Mana should only be an issue for healers, right? Who cares if you can't heal through the damage because someone stood in fire? According to Blizzard, at least what I can infer from what they're attempting to do with healing, healers are only there to heal the absolutely unavoidable damage and keep players just alive enough to not die from the next hit. WHAT FUN. If anything goes wrong, be prepared to use the spells you shouldn't use because they're a waste of mana and someone screwed up! Stupid dps! Stupid healer!

Only healers should have to worry about conserving resources. I watch dps blow all their CDs when attacking me, and I can stay a live through a lot of it. But why don't I get to watch their mana run out? Mine sure does simply trying to stay alive.


Not everyone shares that view

That is your opinion. Not everyone shares that view.

I did my time on the ground and do it again at the start of every expansion. I did the long walk to level 40 in vanilla and do not miss it.

I find the world best wow gold just as epic and beautiful on a flying mount as i do on a ground mount. Why is your way the only right way. Not like anybody is asking them to take ground mounts out. No one is stopping you from using ground mounts but it's ok to want to take flying mounts away? What kind of logic is that?

You can skip stuff on the ground as well. Learned early on the paths of least resistance back in vanilla to avoid unnecessary mobs.


A stellar performance

"The priest spell Ascension, which comes from a rare drop named Codex of Ascension in Ashran, is the most fun I've had with my priest in a while," writes submitter Chelley of Nurfed on Tichondrius (US-H). "It allows you to fly, which, makes for some pretty sweet escapes .Wow Gold.. and views. Side note: I think I spotted a nice spot to hide these ten thousand broken bones filling up my bags."


works in secure snippets

handle:GetScale() works in secure snippets. It has even more exploit potential than visibility when a specific scale can be set with a cvar.
It's always sad when stuff gets protected and legitimate addons get broken, but I prefer they go about it the way they are here rather than strip stuff out of the secure environment.


Need a Bigger Bag achievement

Items that are given as a quest reward like Puntable Marmot or archaeology item would be real easy to determine if you have them. Likewise for anything on the Going to Need a Bigger Bag achievement.
But another thing that would help with storage space I think would be to have a vendor somewhere in every zone that sells every possible quest reward that you could get for 10x the vendor price,euwowgold.com but only if you have the quest completed or Loremaster of <Zone> finished. That way you wouldn't worry about vendoring items with unique looks that you may later want for a transmog. I'm saying 10x the vendor price so you don't use that to abuse diesnchanting because it would be inefficient to have every item undisenchantable.


but I cringed at the DK one

I didn't watch all of them but I cringed at the DK one.

First thing's first. Howling blast www.euwowgold.com is not our strongest attack. I have played all throughout this expansion and never has it out-damaged an obliterate(2h) or a frost strike(dw).

Second thing is you didn't even touch on runeforges at all. Runeforges are a key and core factor to death knights. Learning the proper runeforges is just as important as learning the rotation as they play into the death knight playstyle more than any other weapon enchant(expect shaman imbues).

Third, Obliterate should be used up until a certain mastery level for DW. It is key to know when you should use it and when you shouldn't. With the gear that a fresh 90/boosted 90 has, they should be using obliterate.

Fourth, I believe you should have made the video based around 2h frost. 2h weapons are generally easier to get than two one-handed weapons. Yes, the boosted frost DK comes with two one-handed weapons but when they start gearing through timeless isle or LFR, they are likely going to obtain a two-hander rather than a two one-handers. Two handed frost also has quite a different rotational priority than DW. If a fresh 90 DK were to obtain a 2h weapon suring say an LFR run and follow this guide, they would be vastly underperforming, and I mean vastly.

I understand that these videos are only there to give the basics but these videos are almost too basic.


experience with it but in 15 BGs yesterday

I bought the Oath after this change so I have no prior experience with it but in 15 BGs yesterday I received 2 Bloody Coins from killing blows so I'd hate to have seen what the chance was prior to this "dramatic increase" you guys put in.

Furthermore without taking too much of a step towards the learn to play side of things with the amount of CC and burst existing in battlegrounds at the moment even a 10 minute cooldown best wow gold site is very punishing especially for any non stealth melee. You're forced into a situation where in order to avoid being kill target #1 even over healers you have to use it midfight while dpsing and hope you're not killed in the opening fray.

I'd suggest either lowering the cooldown further or removing it outright and letting players really embrace the path of Ordos because for those of us sitting sub 100 Bloody Coins making the climb towards the mount or title appears extremely daunting with how things are after this change.


as my base of operations So far

 had written off Frostfire Ridge in the early previews as a zone that would be Boring Tundra 2.0 and was glad as an Alliance main that I had Shadowmoon Valley as my base of operations. So far, I have been pleasantly impressed with the zone. I get a bit of a Skyrim feel from it(minus the extreme detail of course), but the wind blowing snow into drifts on cold crags is a great feel. When the music is on(it goes in and out in the current build), I enjoy the theme quite a bit and could see myself kicking back and just enjoying the atmosphere when I don't feel like doing a whole lot. That's about all I have to offer for aesthetics. I understand it's very much a WIP. wow gold guide Nice to see that new environment texturing tech getting shown off even more in this expansion.

I do like the feel of garrisons so far. It's more immersive than I anticipated. The NPCs address me as if I have real authority for probably the first time in WoW. So I feel like I'm more a part of the campaign, much like in the old RTS. It has a side effect of making some of the mundane quests for the garrison less mundane. They're still very much kill, gather, talk quests, but they make sense to do. I'm gathering these herbs because I need alchemy supplies for my alchemist. I'm killing this camp of Thunderlords because they're threatening MY camp. It's more personal.


Ruined Bear Tanking? How?

Ruined Bear Tanking? How?

I've never had more fun with my Guardian than in MoP, just sad I couldn't consistently raid hard stuff wow gold guide with him thanks to real life. It beat the crap out of falling asleep doing Lich King Heroic and my only job was hit my CDs for Soul Reaper and don't stand in bad... and yes I fell asleep doing him often. Cataclysm wasn't much better other than micromanaging Pulverize for a modicum of Critical Strike improvement.

Seriously I'd love to hear what you lost that was so dearly beloved that you hate it now.


improve the situation going forward

During and after last night's qualifier matches, we received a number of reports from players who were confused or concerned about how the qualifiers were operating. We've been in constant communication with ESL America (our partner who is administering the NA qualifiers),wow gold farming and have an update on where things stand, and what can be done to improve the situation going forward.

Admin Contact

One of the biggest points of concern we've been hearing is that some players are having trouble getting into contact with tournament administrators when encountering issues. As most, if not all, of the problems we're seeing reported are things that could have been resolved or prevented by getting an admin involved, clearing this up was our first priority. We'd like to clarify the existing method of admin contact to make sure everyone is aware of it, and we're opening up a new option as well.


there were server-side mechanics

It would be nice if there were server-side mechanics to prevent that one guy who pugged with you from taking the raidlock when your other 19 raiders go to bed. I've seen complaints in other forums. I know that Mythic is truly organized content, but the current lock makes it difficult to give people opportunities to try out in Mythic without risking them running off with your raidlock.

I think Mythic raidlocks buy cheap wow gold should probably belong to the raid leader and/or those who the raid leader specifically allows to carry the lockout (assists?). I think it's a better tradeoff having 20 people agree that this raid only continues if one of those key folks are available, than leaving the option for 1 person to screw 19 others out of the rest of the raid.

Then the box that pops up when you enter the raid could show "You are locking yourself to a Raid ID owned by Hekili-Ner'zhul. You will only be able to return to this raid with its owner or one of the owner's delegates."


We'll provide another update in approximately one hour

4:00 a.m. PST
Rolling restarts for all Americas and Oceania realms have completed. We are continuing to monitor realm stability and performance for these realms and those for the EU region.

We'll provide another update in approximately one hour.


3:00 a.m. PST
We're beginning rolling restarts free wow gold for all Americas and Oceania realms. This is a requirement for certain hotfixes that have already been applied to EU realms during rolling restarts earlier today.

We continue to monitor server stability and the gameplay experience very closely.


bound to flood general instead

Besides for all of the "zomg girl halp!" and religious debates threads, it was from time to time a decent section for tech questions (not related to WoW,) movie, books, television, and other game discussions (including the zomg NEXT WOW KILLER that are just bound to flood general instead.)

That being said, buying wow gold safe I hope Off Topic makes a return for all the randomness WoW players have can go somewhere!


vastly overpopulated on select realms

In patch 4.0.3, Wintergrasp queuing was changed so that each battle attempts to match the factions at a 1-to-1 ratio. This is the exact system being used for Tol Barad in Cataclysm. While we understand that this inflates queue times for factions which are vastly overpopulated on select realms, we prefer this system over using Tenacity. In addition,sell Wow Gold the new system at least encourages playing on a faction that's better balanced against the opposing faction. With the old Wintergrasp functionality, players were almost encouraged to be on an overpopulated faction, further contributing to realm balance issues.

That said, we'll review realms with significant faction imbalances on a case-by-case basis in the event we need to take further action.

Tol Barad preview: http://www.euwowgold.com/


Your Fortune Awaits: 100% Unlock

December 2 11:30 AM PST

    Your Fortune Awaits: 100% Unlock

    The storm clouds gather. The barkers fall silent and the wagon train begins an eerie procession out of town. Called ever onward to parts unknown, the Darkmoon Faire has come to a close. As Sayge and his strange companions fade into the mist, the revelations he cheap Wow Gold eu has shared will soon be little more than a troubling memory... for now.

    You won't be left behind empty-handed, though. The heroic valor of the Alliance and the brutal determination of the Horde have swept aside all obstacles and earned you a glimpse of the events to come. Visit the Your Fortune Awaits page to enjoy the fruits of your labor.


that you get when you post on an 80

Why not? I mean I post on a level one so that the only response I get from trolls is "post on your main" versus the many responses such as "nice gems, nice spec, nice achievements, nice gear, etc." that you get when you post on an 80 (no matter how geared you are, if I posted on my main someone would make fun of the fact that I don't have "light of dawn", buy Wow Gold eu trust me). So I'd be fine with anything that limits the amount of anonymity on these forums (heck the way it is now, I could reply to myself 20+ times after this post on different toons, and unless I told you so, you wouldn't know that they're all me).


disable connections on the computer

Unplugging the modem is a bit much, you have to be truly computer illiterate to think that is the only way to make it look like a DC. Usually just a hard shut off, disable connections on the computer,best wow gold is enough on its own.

I mean if a modem sits right in front of you and you like messing with the chords all the time then sure, but I wouldn't be messing with my modem much if it didn't need to be messed with, lol.


really enjoyed the puzzle quests!

Thanks for the feedback! We definitely want to keep the questing experience fresh and fun, and exploring different methods of delivering content is something our designers are very passionate about. We're certainly glad to see that our efforts this expansion were successful,buy wow gold and that you really enjoyed the puzzle quests!

If you're interested in more mini-game based questing, you may also want to check out the Trial of Frost, Trial of Fire, and Trial of Shadow quests in Azshara (as you're Horde), as well as the The Warden's Pawn quest line in Badlands.

really enjoyed the puzzle quests!

Thanks for the feedback! We definitely want to keep the questing experience fresh and fun, and exploring different methods of delivering content is something our designers are very passionate about. We're certainly glad to see that our efforts this expansion were successful,buy wow gold and that you really enjoyed the puzzle quests!

If you're interested in more mini-game based questing, you may also want to check out the Trial of Frost, Trial of Fire, and Trial of Shadow quests in Azshara (as you're Horde), as well as the The Warden's Pawn quest line in Badlands.


want to be cradled lovingly by dra

Yup! It's a bug, and a ridiculously awesome one at that. I mean, who wouldn't want to be cradled lovingly by dra www.euwowgold.com -- no, wait, don't answer that.

We're looking to correct the riding animation for stone drakes in an upcoming patch. :)


end of Wrath of the Lich King

Players were conditioned at the end of Wrath of the Lich King to mow through Heroics at lightning speed. Not only were they too easy to begin with, by the time Dungeon Finder came out players greatly out-geared the majority of these dungeons.

The reality is that it best wow gold site makes sense for Heroics to be a true and necessary stepping stone into raiding. They are more difficult at the beginning of this expansion's lifespan than they were at the beginning of Lich King. We like it that way. We want you thinking and trying new approaches through trial and error in order to succeed, just as groups do while raiding.


expansion may be good for most

1% of our pve damage was buffed 10%!
This is it... really? Ele pvp is near dead, and nothing to help the "for the buffs" situation of ele in PvE? Being in the best place yet for early in the expansion may be good for most,www.euwowgold.com but for ele it's just more crying into the mana stream totem.


guild you've been in for a year

100%!? That's like... all percent.

Well, I think this is a valid complaint being that there's an initial buy-in period where you're kind of wondering why you have to level up reputation with a guild you've been in for a year, but that's sort of the nature of implementing new features like this.

You are correct in that best wow gold site we do not want people to join guilds, be able to immediately buy rewards that the guild unlocked, and jet. Your idea of unlocking rewards based on time spent in the guild instead of contribution isn't quite right either.

Guild rep exists to gate rewards based on someone's actual contributions to their guild, not just being some dope on the roster. Jumping in to guild dungeon and raid runs (with 80% members, [25% for 40 person raids] until 4.0.6 which drops 5 person dungeons to variable gains based on 3/5, 4/5, and 5/5), winning rated bg's, or earning guild achievements, all help earn guild rep. And yes, so do quests, should you find yourself doing them.


We could jump in every thread we see and say

We could jump in every thread we see and say, "we hear you" but we know that doing so isn't the comfort to everyone that they would think it to be. There is always someone who doesn't like to read (as evidenced on this thread) that "we hear you" because they want action not words. Our actions are slow. Answers take time as does development. If you want us to "fix" things, we all need to be patient. What some may think is a solution, may not be the solution they think. World of Warcraft wow gold guide (as I've said in the past) has a lot of moving parts. It's never as easy as adding "X" or "Y" and calling it good. It's all interwoven and we have to be careful we don't pluck at the wrong thread and unravel it all.

We've also noticed that a lot of people are missing information that we've been putting out on the front page/blog. This is a great place to find more information on topics and we'll continue to find ways to deliver interesting information there for you. We also flag Blizzard posts for tracking here on the forums. Everyone can see them all off of the index page of the forum. We'll continue to find ways to make these more evident as well as make everyone more aware of what we're doing on the blog . We'll keep doing what we can to get the word out and appreciate everyone that has taken the time to post here. We know you wouldn't be here posting one way or another if you didn't care. We care too and will continue to find ways to do better.


I'll stay out of yours

Your system is broken though. People just use pvp gear to raise their item level up high enough to get buy cheap wow gold in heroics and end up being bad and holding back those of us who worked for our gear.

if you have more then 3 pieces of pvp gear you shouldn't be able to que for heroics.

Also, if you have pve gear you shouldn't be able to que for arena, just to be fair.

You stay out of my territory, I'll stay out of yours.


would like to see old stuff coming back

I get that a lot of people would like to see old stuff coming back, but enough is enough. Is this going to be an expansion of rehashed content? I was fine with deadmines and sfk coming back, after all they were just 2 of the 9 instances. But now in a major patch, all that we are getting is stuff we already did before.

I know the raids are brand new, but given the lack of new instances compared to previous expansions I was really hoping that blizzard would catch up on new content. I was expecting ZG to come back, after all it is tied to the new STV quests. It makes sense.buy wow gold But ZA? bringing ZA back doesn't makes sense at all. It's not tied to the current storyline, Zul'Jin is long dead. I loved that place back in TBC, but what I really want is to step into something new and experience new content.

The feeling of wonder I felt when I first stepped in Vortex Pinnacle or Halls of Origination is not the same as stepping into Deadmines or SFK for the 1000th time, even if it was now an heroic.

Sorry about all the rambling but just wanted to voice my opinion. Enough with the rehashes please.


doesn't invalidate their concerns

Some people leveled the reps when the factions were current. Much harder than soloing them at a higher level, so to them it IS a big deal. Just because you think it isn't doesn't invalidate their concerns.

Personally I don't wear wow gold guide a title any more. I used to use the Exalted, but after seeing the way Bliz went about removing it, and then adding it back as they made condescending posts about "coming changes", the title lost any appeal it had to me.


it'd certainly be cool to look at

Well yeah it'd certainly be cool to look at. But one of the main purpouses of this game is to raid and acquire better gear to enhance your character. To many player's the way the gear looks matters alot(hence this thread).

But to have players who wow gold farming aren't that powerful look super powerful seems a little off to me.

Don't get me wrong I think the appearence tab is great but I think there needs to be limits on what you can change. Perhaps you need curret (cata) tier gear in order to skin it to older tier appearances?

Again this is just my .02 I'm not hating on the appearance tab, just giving my own personal feeback


when these new forums were introduced

As you're probably aware, when these new forums were introduced the post-per-thread limit was almost... limitless. That made threads particularly difficult for everyone to follow. In a recent update we reinstated the 500-post cap which existed on the old forums.buy cheap wow gold Unfortunately, at this time we're unable to extend that limit on individual threads. This functionality existed on the old forums and we hope to have it brought over to our new site as well.

We like that threads have a modest cap by default, but we definitely want the ability to open bigger discussions to more posts as needed. :)


service for World of Warcraft

We want to give everyone an early heads-up regarding our plan to implement a guild relocation service for World of Warcraft. The idea is for a guild leader to be able to transfer a guild to another realm. The guild structure remains intact, including the guild leader,free wow gold guild bank, ranks, and guild name (depending on availability).

Guild members who decide to relocate with their guild may initiate their own paid character transfer. Upon a successful transfer they will automatically be part of the guild when they first log into the new realm. Their guild rank and guild reputation will be intact.


i noticed same problem with DBM

i noticed same problem, with DBM, ORA3 and our loot mod, all which register prefixes properly, and syncing works for a while, then server just goes blah and starts filtering messages again until the user relogs. i'm tending for the sake of testing to schedule and run register prefix every 20 min or so to see if it keeps the channel open so to speak,is buying wow gold safe a keep alive of sorts, to prevent the server from blowing it off after a period of time has passed.


body and it looks quite unnatural

Does that mean we'll be waiting till 4.2......? /sigh

Well since you posted in the thread are you guys also aware of the turning bug with female Draenei? When they turn left or right their upper body turns faster then their lower body and it looks quite unnatural.

Thanks for the info,best wow gold site I realize it must not be easy for you guys it's just rather frustrating at times.


does not a community make

We aren't mere lame jellyfish, passively pulsing on the tide and snatching up whatever scraps of nutriment float our way. No! We're more like, awesome magical rainbow dolphins plunging through sparkling waves together in search of fun, adventure and ridiculously lethal uber weapons. Think: A Lisa Frank trapper keeper, but with super-knives and...sell Wow Gold explosions.

The analogy starts to break down, but regardless, it is individual action shapes the whole. From what I remember of doing pick up groups prior to Cataclysm, the experience was similar, except that the wait was much longer. As someone else said, typing LFG in /2 does not a community make.

Personally, I make a point of saying 'hi' when I join an instance, and tossing out the occasional joke. I have more fun, and it usually gets at least a little conversation going.


rules and whatnot before where it says

It is hard to stay positive.. when we all want direct answers in these posts(Ask the Devs) and we never get them. Of course if we were smart we would read the rules and whatnot before where it says

■Don't post or vote for questions you know we won't answer. We're not going to use these Q&As to announce new features, expansions, or release dates, etc. By the same token, we're not Wow Gold eu going to answer questions that touch on subjects outside of the game and its design.

So me hoping for a fishing boat or fishing bot for Eng.. that would be considered a new feature and so it wouldn't be in the answers.

I have hope!!


kinds of messed up for a variety of reasons

Right now the Mastery systems for each tank are out of whack to varying degrees, some changes are being tested (and to date, rejected) to keep paladins from block capping for example.

So discussing the Masteries,

Warriors-Do we expect to see any changes Wow Gold eu to how shield block (the button) works, since it currently looks to be steadily decreasing in value for physical damage? Moreover this single button carrys a lot of "weight" as it tries to do a number of different things at the same time.

Paladins-How do you intend to stop Paladins from Block Capping? Simply reducing the "block rating" from each point of mastery, but if so will they be compensated in some other way (Say more block value or similar?)

DK-DK mastery is all kinds of messed up for a variety of reasons, and many are advocating scrapping it altogether and implementing a "block" that's more in tune with the other tanks. Do you see anything like this happening? Do you favor trying to tweak the current system as scaling problems happen? Something else?


every zone in-game once again questing

Yes. I'm among those that <3 doing quests and quest chains. I myself earned "The Loremaster" achievement long before Cataclysm being released. Once Cataclysm was out, It was very interesting going through every zone in-game once again questing.

I found the new quests enjoyable and fun to do. The new ones like in the Darkspear Troll's new starting best wow gold area was very interesting to see on this character. However, The place where you start questing as a Goblin was fun to explore too!

I was surprised though that those who had "The Loremaster" achievement got to keep their titles and tabard reward. I thought we had it removed until I checked my achievement pages and my list of titles.

Not only did the new quests help me in my reputation grind for all of the Steamwheedle Cartel in-game to exalted status, but it also helped me understand the Lore within this game further. =)


have important roles in fights

First off, DPS often do have important roles in fights, whether it’s banging gongs for Atramedes or interrupting during the Nefarian encounter, or just knowing to run out of the dragon breath in the Drahga Shadowburner encounter in Grim Batol (since the healer can’t possibly keep you alive through all of that). On any given encounter,Wow Gold we tend to give responsibility to a few DPS players instead of all of them, and we think that’s ultimately a good thing. Not every player wants a ton of responsibility and we don’t think it would be good for them, or the game, for us to force those players into high-pressure situations. It is a game after all – it’s supposed to be fun. If challenging is what’s fun for you, well, that’s what Heroic modes are for. We think most players understand that taking on the healing or tanking roles is going to come with more responsibility, and those roles in turn tend to attract players comfortable or interested in having more responsibility.


your post is far from it in my book

This is a great post (below). I think it demonstrates a philosophy around which we somewhat design dungeon & raid content. The mentality around wiping on bosses (even in five-player dungeons) seems to have shifted much more toward impatience over the years -- trying to kill a boss and failing seems to feel too inefficient for a lot of people.best wow gold site The fact of the matter is though that the best way to know, and be prepared for new content is to try it out. Direct trial and error on a boss is going to yield far better performance results for players in the long run than any other method of attempted progression. It's also going to feel much more like progression when you're in the trenches learning from mistakes, figuring out the mechanics, and finding ways to maximize your role in the group.

Mr. Waste, your post is far from it in my book. ;)


design philosophy of the upcoming Raid Finder

With the current design philosophy of the upcoming Raid Finder, it's not at all intended to serve as a replacement for organized raiding. In fact, it isn't at all being designed to be used as a direct substitute for forming raids the way people do today. The goal is euwowgold to give people who enjoy the more casual PuG raid environment, or just don't have the schedule to keep up with organized raids, a better way to experience raid content.

We're still solidifying a lot of the details for this feature and look forward to sharing more with you soon. ;)


they were a new creation for World of Warcraft

This is something I want to touch on a bit more. People seem to think that Pandaren were a joke, a throw away easter egg that we never fully intended as a playable race.

I will direct you to recall the Warcraft RPG (pen and paper) manuals released in 2003. While much of it hasn't been canon for quite some time, the Pandaren occupy a greater amount of pages and space within the manuals to establish their lore and story than pretty much every other creature on Azeroth. To give it some context, they occupy the same www.euwowgold.com number of pages as Trolls in the Monster Manual, and share the same amount space in the Alliance and Horde Compendium with Orcs or Humans, and just like them ... you guessed it... Pandaren were a playable race.

(there's also an awesome sketch Metzen did of a Pandaren, Dwarf, Furbolg, and Gnome hanging out all friendly-like)

As I said a lot of this was pre-World of Warcraft, and by whatever stroke of fate, Trolls and Forsaken became playable races and Pandaren, Naga, and Furbolgs did not. Some other mix could have just as easily been true, and no one would have questioned it. Worgen didn't even exist back then, of course, they were a new creation for World of Warcraft.

It would simply be inaccurate to state that Pandaren were a throw away. Our intent, going back to Warcraft III, when the vast majority of the world lore and story was established for the franchise, was always to have a deep and rich history for a race known as the Pandaren.


prompt and everyone keep things focused

I've noticed that some players have written posts that are all about BG tips (for example), but don't cover gearing. I think that the response so far has been awesome and the helpful posts are buy cheap wow gold too, since there's some good advice in there, but it's best to keep posts on topic. Each week I'll be covering a different PvP related topic, and yes, we'll include battleground tactics - likely with an entire thread dedicated to tactics for a single battleground.

It will help us all get the most out of War College threads if every poster limits comment to the weekly prompt and everyone keep things focused.


Those players are in the company of friends from the target realm

When traversing Azeroth, players may encounter players from other realms who share their same realm type. PvE with PvE, PvP with PvP, RP-PvP with RP-PvP, and RP-PvE with RP-PvE.

The exception to this is that wow gold players are freely able to invite Real ID and BattleTag friends to join their party, even if their realm types do not match. In this case, players will be randomly placed within a party member’s realm. While it might be a little disconcerting to know that players from non-RP realms are adventuring in RP realms, or that players from PvP realms are exploring PvE realms, this is working as intended. Those players are in the company of friends from the target realm.

Please keep in mind that if you choose to group with Real ID and BattleTag friends, you may be placed on a different realm type depending on the members of your party. As such, we recommend grouping with players who belong to realm types you are comfortable with experiencing (such as PvE or RP).


take this opportunity to clarify

Sort of, and something we should take this opportunity to clarify. In Cataclysm, cleave-type mechanics double-dipped on damage bonuses, but we changed that universally in Patch 5.0 on a fundamental level. If you go back to Halfus or Wind Lord Mel'jarak, you'll find that cleave effects that derive their damage from the initial hit now only award buying wow gold safe the bonus damage on the target that is receiving increased damage.

Note that this works both ways. If you Sinister Strike a target that has a 50% damage reduction effect on it, your Blade Flurry will still do full damage to a secondary target, which previously would not have been the case.

The pending hotfix addresses a bug specific to the Garalon encounter which cause these new rules to not apply. Abilities that can hit a leg and the body simultaneously will still be extremely effective on the boss.


Regardless of your personal circumstances

The LFR loot system works extremely well for what it's intended to do, it sees a ton of traffic, and gears people up in end-game content that just wasn't possible even a year ago. By all accounts it offers people not able to commit the time, or have the resources, to raid. That in and of itself is a major accomplishment, and the intent of the LFR system. Regardless of your personal circumstances, you can get in there, see the story, World of Warcraft Gold experience most of the content, and get some decent items. But I think the rub is the expectations it sets. It looks like a raid, and it smells like a raid, but there's fundamental differences in how it's perceived due to the format. For traditional raiding you get together with your guildies and friends, you struggle on bosses, wipe after wipe, and finally through teamwork and perseverance you overcome the obstacle, loot drops, and even if you don't win a roll you feel like you've made a meaningful contribution to your team and your chances at success later through the overall gearing up of your raid group. In LFR the entire dynamic has to change because you're being matched up semi-randomly with other players. Because of that there is no feeling of helping your team get better, you enter the queue alone, and it's mainly about personal goals to gear up, which then maybe help you in coordinated raids later. euwowgold You're in there for loot for yourself, and because of that there's less tolerance for overcoming obstacles, so encounters are much easier, and the loot system is per-person and not a communal distribution.

As others have noted the chance to get items in LFR versus a traditional raid scenario are actually higher, but that doesn't change the expectations of people jumping into LFR that this should be a system that provides more consistency. Whatever the underlying reason is for that, I'm not totally sure it matters beyond there is an expectation difference between traditional raiding and LFR. It's something we're keeping an eye on for potential tweaks in the future. We have tech for quests that increases your chance for a quest item to drop if you haven't gotten one recently, and so that's something we're at least beginning to think about and how that kind of consistency system could translate into things like the LFR. If nothing else tweaking drop rates on prior tiers when a new tier hits is pretty low hanging fruit on at least ensuring people can more easily get those last few ilvls so they can queue for the new tier.


This is starting to get pretty off-topic

This is starting to get pretty off-topic, and I apologize, but I want to be clear: this is exactly what I do. Daily. For every class. My job as a World of Warcraft Community Representative, as it turns out, is to represent the community. I take my job very seriously. We all do.

I know all too well how frustrating it can be when you're concerned about something and it appears that wow gold we're being silent. I was in those shoes myself until very recently. Just please be aware that silence isn't necessarily a bad thing. In many cases, including this one, it means we're still actively discussing things and just don't have anything we're comfortable sharing yet.

We really do appreciate all of the feedback, both on Hunter concerns as well as how we can communicate better. This thread in particular should probably stick to Hunter concerns, but I want to be the very best (like no one ever was) and can always work to improve how we interact with you guys.


thus does not increase as players gear up

The increase in base Resilience in patch 5.4 is meant to counterbalance the fact that Resilience is no longer on gear (and thus does not increase as players gear up).

Prior to 5.3, players' survivability would naturally increase with gear. We didn't feel that that was creating an environment that would encourage undergeared players to best wow gold site continue playing, so in 5.3, we moved Resilience off of gear and increased base Resilience.

In Patch 5.4, we needed to do something similar. Since player power is still increasing as players collect more gear, we needed to once again increase base resilience to keep things from getting too out of hand. You'll still feel like your character is improving as you gear up, this just makes sure you don't improve to the point where buy wow gold you're able to kill someone before they have an opportunity to respond.


in an upcoming PTR build

Hello. We're increasing the maximum message size to 4095 bytes in an upcoming PTR build.

Send function:

    BNSendGameData wow gold (presenceID, addonPrefix, message)
    Prefix must be <= 16 bytes and cannot include a colon.
    The message should be <= 4078 bytes. This is 4095 bytes minus the 16 byte prefix and an added colon separator.

Receive event:

    BN_CHAT_MSG_ADDON - prefix, text, “WHISPER”, senderToonID


Azeroth Choppers: Ask the Bike Experts

For those of you keeping up with Azeroth Choppers, we recently introduced you to the Alliance and Horde teams here at Blizzard. Now we'd like to give you the opportunity to get to know sell Wow Gold the handpicked teams of bike experts that are bringing to life a pair of asphalt-kicking, World of Warcraft-inspired chopper designs.

If you have any questions for Paul Jr. and his crew about bike designs/fabrication, working with Horde and Alliance themes, the trials and tribulations they've faced Wow Gold in recent Azeroth Choppers episodes, or anything else along those lines, please share them here. Feel free to target your questions toward a specific team or individual designer too.

We'll be selecting interesting questions from the community and seeking out answers from the bike experts of teams Alliance and Horde over at Paul Jr. Designs.

You can learn more about Azeroth Choppers and view the latest episodes at www.euwowgold.com.


Ability Consolidation and Refinement

Rogues received several mergers of passive abilities. There's also additional cooldown thinning with the change to Tricks of the Trade.

    Blindside’s effects have been merged into baseline Mutilate.
    Burst of Speed now www.euwowgold.com costs 25 20 Energy (up from 15 Energy).
    Cut to the Chase’s effects have been merged into baseline Envenom.
    Energetic Recovery’s effects have been merged into baseline Slice and Dice for Subtlety Rogues.
    Envenom now increases poison chance by 30% (up from 15%).
    Find Weakness’ effects have been merged into baseline Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot for Subtlety Rogues.
    Killing Spree no longer increases all damage done for the duration. Its damage has been increased to compensate.
    Master of Subtlety’s effects have been merged into baseline Stealth for Subtlety Rogues.
    Relentless Strikes’ effects have www.euwowgold.com been merged into Ruthlessness for Combat Rogues. It remains a separate passive for Assassination and Subtlety Rogues.
    Restless Blades’ effects have been merged into Ruthlessness.
    Safe Fall’s effects have been merged into baseline Fleet Footed.
    Tricks of the Trade now has no www.euwowgold.com energy cost and no longer increases damage caused by the target by 15%.
    Venomous Wounds’s effects have been merged into baseline Rupture for Assassination Rogues. It no longer triggers from Garrote and now always triggers when Rupture deals


Know Your Lore: Quests, story, and you in Warlords of Draenor

The World of Warcraft is an expansive universe. You're playing the game, you're fighting the bosses, you know the how -- but do you know the why? Each week, Matthew Rossi and Anne Stickney make sure you Know Your Lore by covering the history of the story behind World of Warcraft.

A new expansion is certainly about delivering new content, but it's also a vehicle for story progression -World of Warcraft Gold- and the end of Mists of Pandaria left behind plenty of questions waiting to be answered. Unfortunately, any questions having to do with Pandaria or Azeroth will have to wait, as we have other, more pressing matters to think about. In Warlords of Draenor, the Iron Horde looms just over the horizon, a threat eerily reminiscent of the old Horde that began the First War so many years ago. Except the Iron Horde is stronger, more organized, and bolstered by the knowledge of just what's on the other side of that Dark Portal they are constructing, thanks to Garrosh Hellscream.

That story, the story of Warlords of Draenor, is taking us in a different kind of direction, the likes of which we Wow Gold eu haven't seen before. While Mists may have pushed the button on innovation as far as max-level content was concerned, its seemingly never-ending cycle of daily quests upon daily quests quickly grew from entertainment to frustration as players quickly grew tired of the cycle of daily gated content and rewards. Warlords has none of that -- but it does have a whole host of new ways to make the story feel important, without overpowering how the player approaches the game.

Please note: The following Know Your Lore contains small spoilers for Warlords of Draenor.


WoW Moviewatch: ANN: Midsummer Fire Festival

Nobody reports on the hijinks of in-game holidays like the Azeroth News Network, and it's time to take a long, hard look at the Midsummer Fire Festival. Shedding the harsh light of day on the spectacle and insane fires of the festival, Slightly Impressive's faux-news cast tackles the bizarre habit of standing by campfires during the hottest months of the year.

We all know that there's a little surreality to all of the holidays, but the Midsummer festival has already made the least sense to me. Fire everywhere, in wooden cities, in the hottest days of summer. It just doesn't add up. But, still, who doesn't want to wear fiery braziers on their shoulders?