
experience with it but in 15 BGs yesterday

I bought the Oath after this change so I have no prior experience with it but in 15 BGs yesterday I received 2 Bloody Coins from killing blows so I'd hate to have seen what the chance was prior to this "dramatic increase" you guys put in.

Furthermore without taking too much of a step towards the learn to play side of things with the amount of CC and burst existing in battlegrounds at the moment even a 10 minute cooldown best wow gold site is very punishing especially for any non stealth melee. You're forced into a situation where in order to avoid being kill target #1 even over healers you have to use it midfight while dpsing and hope you're not killed in the opening fray.

I'd suggest either lowering the cooldown further or removing it outright and letting players really embrace the path of Ordos because for those of us sitting sub 100 Bloody Coins making the climb towards the mount or title appears extremely daunting with how things are after this change.

