We aren't mere lame jellyfish, passively pulsing on the tide and snatching up whatever scraps of nutriment float our way. No! We're more like, awesome magical rainbow dolphins plunging through sparkling waves together in search of fun, adventure and ridiculously lethal uber weapons. Think: A Lisa Frank trapper keeper, but with super-knives and...sell Wow Gold explosions.
The analogy starts to break down, but regardless, it is individual action shapes the whole. From what I remember of doing pick up groups prior to Cataclysm, the experience was similar, except that the wait was much longer. As someone else said, typing LFG in /2 does not a community make.
Personally, I make a point of saying 'hi' when I join an instance, and tossing out the occasional joke. I have more fun, and it usually gets at least a little conversation going.