
as my base of operations So far

 had written off Frostfire Ridge in the early previews as a zone that would be Boring Tundra 2.0 and was glad as an Alliance main that I had Shadowmoon Valley as my base of operations. So far, I have been pleasantly impressed with the zone. I get a bit of a Skyrim feel from it(minus the extreme detail of course), but the wind blowing snow into drifts on cold crags is a great feel. When the music is on(it goes in and out in the current build), I enjoy the theme quite a bit and could see myself kicking back and just enjoying the atmosphere when I don't feel like doing a whole lot. That's about all I have to offer for aesthetics. I understand it's very much a WIP. wow gold guide Nice to see that new environment texturing tech getting shown off even more in this expansion.

I do like the feel of garrisons so far. It's more immersive than I anticipated. The NPCs address me as if I have real authority for probably the first time in WoW. So I feel like I'm more a part of the campaign, much like in the old RTS. It has a side effect of making some of the mundane quests for the garrison less mundane. They're still very much kill, gather, talk quests, but they make sense to do. I'm gathering these herbs because I need alchemy supplies for my alchemist. I'm killing this camp of Thunderlords because they're threatening MY camp. It's more personal.

