
every zone in-game once again questing

Yes. I'm among those that <3 doing quests and quest chains. I myself earned "The Loremaster" achievement long before Cataclysm being released. Once Cataclysm was out, It was very interesting going through every zone in-game once again questing.

I found the new quests enjoyable and fun to do. The new ones like in the Darkspear Troll's new starting best wow gold area was very interesting to see on this character. However, The place where you start questing as a Goblin was fun to explore too!

I was surprised though that those who had "The Loremaster" achievement got to keep their titles and tabard reward. I thought we had it removed until I checked my achievement pages and my list of titles.

Not only did the new quests help me in my reputation grind for all of the Steamwheedle Cartel in-game to exalted status, but it also helped me understand the Lore within this game further. =)

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