Does that mean we'll be waiting till 4.2......? /sigh
Well since you posted in the thread are you guys also aware of the turning bug with female Draenei? When they turn left or right their upper body turns faster then their lower body and it looks quite unnatural.
Thanks for the info,best wow gold site I realize it must not be easy for you guys it's just rather frustrating at times.
does not a community make
We aren't mere lame jellyfish, passively pulsing on the tide and snatching up whatever scraps of nutriment float our way. No! We're more like, awesome magical rainbow dolphins plunging through sparkling waves together in search of fun, adventure and ridiculously lethal uber weapons. Think: A Lisa Frank trapper keeper, but with super-knives and...sell Wow Gold explosions.
The analogy starts to break down, but regardless, it is individual action shapes the whole. From what I remember of doing pick up groups prior to Cataclysm, the experience was similar, except that the wait was much longer. As someone else said, typing LFG in /2 does not a community make.
Personally, I make a point of saying 'hi' when I join an instance, and tossing out the occasional joke. I have more fun, and it usually gets at least a little conversation going.
The analogy starts to break down, but regardless, it is individual action shapes the whole. From what I remember of doing pick up groups prior to Cataclysm, the experience was similar, except that the wait was much longer. As someone else said, typing LFG in /2 does not a community make.
Personally, I make a point of saying 'hi' when I join an instance, and tossing out the occasional joke. I have more fun, and it usually gets at least a little conversation going.
rules and whatnot before where it says
It is hard to stay positive.. when we all want direct answers in these posts(Ask the Devs) and we never get them. Of course if we were smart we would read the rules and whatnot before where it says
■Don't post or vote for questions you know we won't answer. We're not going to use these Q&As to announce new features, expansions, or release dates, etc. By the same token, we're not Wow Gold eu going to answer questions that touch on subjects outside of the game and its design.
So me hoping for a fishing boat or fishing bot for Eng.. that would be considered a new feature and so it wouldn't be in the answers.
I have hope!!
■Don't post or vote for questions you know we won't answer. We're not going to use these Q&As to announce new features, expansions, or release dates, etc. By the same token, we're not Wow Gold eu going to answer questions that touch on subjects outside of the game and its design.
So me hoping for a fishing boat or fishing bot for Eng.. that would be considered a new feature and so it wouldn't be in the answers.
I have hope!!
kinds of messed up for a variety of reasons
Right now the Mastery systems for each tank are out of whack to varying degrees, some changes are being tested (and to date, rejected) to keep paladins from block capping for example.
So discussing the Masteries,
Warriors-Do we expect to see any changes Wow Gold eu to how shield block (the button) works, since it currently looks to be steadily decreasing in value for physical damage? Moreover this single button carrys a lot of "weight" as it tries to do a number of different things at the same time.
Paladins-How do you intend to stop Paladins from Block Capping? Simply reducing the "block rating" from each point of mastery, but if so will they be compensated in some other way (Say more block value or similar?)
DK-DK mastery is all kinds of messed up for a variety of reasons, and many are advocating scrapping it altogether and implementing a "block" that's more in tune with the other tanks. Do you see anything like this happening? Do you favor trying to tweak the current system as scaling problems happen? Something else?
So discussing the Masteries,
Warriors-Do we expect to see any changes Wow Gold eu to how shield block (the button) works, since it currently looks to be steadily decreasing in value for physical damage? Moreover this single button carrys a lot of "weight" as it tries to do a number of different things at the same time.
Paladins-How do you intend to stop Paladins from Block Capping? Simply reducing the "block rating" from each point of mastery, but if so will they be compensated in some other way (Say more block value or similar?)
DK-DK mastery is all kinds of messed up for a variety of reasons, and many are advocating scrapping it altogether and implementing a "block" that's more in tune with the other tanks. Do you see anything like this happening? Do you favor trying to tweak the current system as scaling problems happen? Something else?
every zone in-game once again questing
Yes. I'm among those that <3 doing quests and quest chains. I myself earned "The Loremaster" achievement long before Cataclysm being released. Once Cataclysm was out, It was very interesting going through every zone in-game once again questing.
I found the new quests enjoyable and fun to do. The new ones like in the Darkspear Troll's new starting best wow gold area was very interesting to see on this character. However, The place where you start questing as a Goblin was fun to explore too!
I was surprised though that those who had "The Loremaster" achievement got to keep their titles and tabard reward. I thought we had it removed until I checked my achievement pages and my list of titles.
Not only did the new quests help me in my reputation grind for all of the Steamwheedle Cartel in-game to exalted status, but it also helped me understand the Lore within this game further. =)
I found the new quests enjoyable and fun to do. The new ones like in the Darkspear Troll's new starting best wow gold area was very interesting to see on this character. However, The place where you start questing as a Goblin was fun to explore too!
I was surprised though that those who had "The Loremaster" achievement got to keep their titles and tabard reward. I thought we had it removed until I checked my achievement pages and my list of titles.
Not only did the new quests help me in my reputation grind for all of the Steamwheedle Cartel in-game to exalted status, but it also helped me understand the Lore within this game further. =)
have important roles in fights
First off, DPS often do have important roles in fights, whether it’s banging gongs for Atramedes or interrupting during the Nefarian encounter, or just knowing to run out of the dragon breath in the Drahga Shadowburner encounter in Grim Batol (since the healer can’t possibly keep you alive through all of that). On any given encounter,Wow Gold we tend to give responsibility to a few DPS players instead of all of them, and we think that’s ultimately a good thing. Not every player wants a ton of responsibility and we don’t think it would be good for them, or the game, for us to force those players into high-pressure situations. It is a game after all – it’s supposed to be fun. If challenging is what’s fun for you, well, that’s what Heroic modes are for. We think most players understand that taking on the healing or tanking roles is going to come with more responsibility, and those roles in turn tend to attract players comfortable or interested in having more responsibility.
your post is far from it in my book
This is a great post (below). I think it demonstrates a philosophy around which we somewhat design dungeon & raid content. The mentality around wiping on bosses (even in five-player dungeons) seems to have shifted much more toward impatience over the years -- trying to kill a boss and failing seems to feel too inefficient for a lot of wow gold site The fact of the matter is though that the best way to know, and be prepared for new content is to try it out. Direct trial and error on a boss is going to yield far better performance results for players in the long run than any other method of attempted progression. It's also going to feel much more like progression when you're in the trenches learning from mistakes, figuring out the mechanics, and finding ways to maximize your role in the group.
Mr. Waste, your post is far from it in my book. ;)
Mr. Waste, your post is far from it in my book. ;)
design philosophy of the upcoming Raid Finder
With the current design philosophy of the upcoming Raid Finder, it's not at all intended to serve as a replacement for organized raiding. In fact, it isn't at all being designed to be used as a direct substitute for forming raids the way people do today. The goal is euwowgold to give people who enjoy the more casual PuG raid environment, or just don't have the schedule to keep up with organized raids, a better way to experience raid content.
We're still solidifying a lot of the details for this feature and look forward to sharing more with you soon. ;)
We're still solidifying a lot of the details for this feature and look forward to sharing more with you soon. ;)
they were a new creation for World of Warcraft
This is something I want to touch on a bit more. People seem to think that Pandaren were a joke, a throw away easter egg that we never fully intended as a playable race.
I will direct you to recall the Warcraft RPG (pen and paper) manuals released in 2003. While much of it hasn't been canon for quite some time, the Pandaren occupy a greater amount of pages and space within the manuals to establish their lore and story than pretty much every other creature on Azeroth. To give it some context, they occupy the same number of pages as Trolls in the Monster Manual, and share the same amount space in the Alliance and Horde Compendium with Orcs or Humans, and just like them ... you guessed it... Pandaren were a playable race.
(there's also an awesome sketch Metzen did of a Pandaren, Dwarf, Furbolg, and Gnome hanging out all friendly-like)
As I said a lot of this was pre-World of Warcraft, and by whatever stroke of fate, Trolls and Forsaken became playable races and Pandaren, Naga, and Furbolgs did not. Some other mix could have just as easily been true, and no one would have questioned it. Worgen didn't even exist back then, of course, they were a new creation for World of Warcraft.
It would simply be inaccurate to state that Pandaren were a throw away. Our intent, going back to Warcraft III, when the vast majority of the world lore and story was established for the franchise, was always to have a deep and rich history for a race known as the Pandaren.
I will direct you to recall the Warcraft RPG (pen and paper) manuals released in 2003. While much of it hasn't been canon for quite some time, the Pandaren occupy a greater amount of pages and space within the manuals to establish their lore and story than pretty much every other creature on Azeroth. To give it some context, they occupy the same number of pages as Trolls in the Monster Manual, and share the same amount space in the Alliance and Horde Compendium with Orcs or Humans, and just like them ... you guessed it... Pandaren were a playable race.
(there's also an awesome sketch Metzen did of a Pandaren, Dwarf, Furbolg, and Gnome hanging out all friendly-like)
As I said a lot of this was pre-World of Warcraft, and by whatever stroke of fate, Trolls and Forsaken became playable races and Pandaren, Naga, and Furbolgs did not. Some other mix could have just as easily been true, and no one would have questioned it. Worgen didn't even exist back then, of course, they were a new creation for World of Warcraft.
It would simply be inaccurate to state that Pandaren were a throw away. Our intent, going back to Warcraft III, when the vast majority of the world lore and story was established for the franchise, was always to have a deep and rich history for a race known as the Pandaren.
prompt and everyone keep things focused
I've noticed that some players have written posts that are all about BG tips (for example), but don't cover gearing. I think that the response so far has been awesome and the helpful posts are buy cheap wow gold too, since there's some good advice in there, but it's best to keep posts on topic. Each week I'll be covering a different PvP related topic, and yes, we'll include battleground tactics - likely with an entire thread dedicated to tactics for a single battleground.
It will help us all get the most out of War College threads if every poster limits comment to the weekly prompt and everyone keep things focused.
It will help us all get the most out of War College threads if every poster limits comment to the weekly prompt and everyone keep things focused.
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