
It can be pretty disappointing

It can be pretty disappointing to see how little faith Blizzard has its in product, as Warlords (in its admittedly inchoate state) scrambles desperately from cheap wow gold the mobility demands that helped cement Mists of Pandaria as the best raiding expansion to date, and looks to eliminate the established (and popular) concept of flight/increased efficiency as a reward for reaching the level cap. I understand that developers are at least as vulnerable to nostalgia as anyone, but imagine the response if the next Grand Theft Auto game removed flight and motorcycles, restored the horrible GTAIII-era targeting system, and scrubbed swimming in favor of a return to the water = death model. After all, III and Vice City were incredibly popular (and probably seem more "immersive" in the haze of memory), so why wouldn't they?


Where is the worry for DPS that

Where is the worry for DPS that uses the wrong spell? Why don't they run oom and not be able to dps? Oh, buy wow gold well that's easy. You wouldn't be able to kill the boss if all the dps ran out of mana! Mana should only be an issue for healers, right? Who cares if you can't heal through the damage because someone stood in fire? According to Blizzard, at least what I can infer from what they're attempting to do with healing, healers are only there to heal the absolutely unavoidable damage and keep players just alive enough to not die from the next hit. WHAT FUN. If anything goes wrong, be prepared to use the spells you shouldn't use because they're a waste of mana and someone screwed up! Stupid dps! Stupid healer!

Only healers should have to worry about conserving resources. I watch dps blow all their CDs when attacking me, and I can stay a live through a lot of it. But why don't I get to watch their mana run out? Mine sure does simply trying to stay alive.


Not everyone shares that view

That is your opinion. Not everyone shares that view.

I did my time on the ground and do it again at the start of every expansion. I did the long walk to level 40 in vanilla and do not miss it.

I find the world best wow gold just as epic and beautiful on a flying mount as i do on a ground mount. Why is your way the only right way. Not like anybody is asking them to take ground mounts out. No one is stopping you from using ground mounts but it's ok to want to take flying mounts away? What kind of logic is that?

You can skip stuff on the ground as well. Learned early on the paths of least resistance back in vanilla to avoid unnecessary mobs.


A stellar performance

"The priest spell Ascension, which comes from a rare drop named Codex of Ascension in Ashran, is the most fun I've had with my priest in a while," writes submitter Chelley of Nurfed on Tichondrius (US-H). "It allows you to fly, which, makes for some pretty sweet escapes .Wow Gold.. and views. Side note: I think I spotted a nice spot to hide these ten thousand broken bones filling up my bags."


works in secure snippets

handle:GetScale() works in secure snippets. It has even more exploit potential than visibility when a specific scale can be set with a cvar.
It's always sad when stuff gets protected and legitimate addons get broken, but I prefer they go about it the way they are here rather than strip stuff out of the secure environment.


Need a Bigger Bag achievement

Items that are given as a quest reward like Puntable Marmot or archaeology item would be real easy to determine if you have them. Likewise for anything on the Going to Need a Bigger Bag achievement.
But another thing that would help with storage space I think would be to have a vendor somewhere in every zone that sells every possible quest reward that you could get for 10x the vendor price,euwowgold.com but only if you have the quest completed or Loremaster of <Zone> finished. That way you wouldn't worry about vendoring items with unique looks that you may later want for a transmog. I'm saying 10x the vendor price so you don't use that to abuse diesnchanting because it would be inefficient to have every item undisenchantable.


but I cringed at the DK one

I didn't watch all of them but I cringed at the DK one.

First thing's first. Howling blast www.euwowgold.com is not our strongest attack. I have played all throughout this expansion and never has it out-damaged an obliterate(2h) or a frost strike(dw).

Second thing is you didn't even touch on runeforges at all. Runeforges are a key and core factor to death knights. Learning the proper runeforges is just as important as learning the rotation as they play into the death knight playstyle more than any other weapon enchant(expect shaman imbues).

Third, Obliterate should be used up until a certain mastery level for DW. It is key to know when you should use it and when you shouldn't. With the gear that a fresh 90/boosted 90 has, they should be using obliterate.

Fourth, I believe you should have made the video based around 2h frost. 2h weapons are generally easier to get than two one-handed weapons. Yes, the boosted frost DK comes with two one-handed weapons but when they start gearing through timeless isle or LFR, they are likely going to obtain a two-hander rather than a two one-handers. Two handed frost also has quite a different rotational priority than DW. If a fresh 90 DK were to obtain a 2h weapon suring say an LFR run and follow this guide, they would be vastly underperforming, and I mean vastly.

I understand that these videos are only there to give the basics but these videos are almost too basic.


experience with it but in 15 BGs yesterday

I bought the Oath after this change so I have no prior experience with it but in 15 BGs yesterday I received 2 Bloody Coins from killing blows so I'd hate to have seen what the chance was prior to this "dramatic increase" you guys put in.

Furthermore without taking too much of a step towards the learn to play side of things with the amount of CC and burst existing in battlegrounds at the moment even a 10 minute cooldown best wow gold site is very punishing especially for any non stealth melee. You're forced into a situation where in order to avoid being kill target #1 even over healers you have to use it midfight while dpsing and hope you're not killed in the opening fray.

I'd suggest either lowering the cooldown further or removing it outright and letting players really embrace the path of Ordos because for those of us sitting sub 100 Bloody Coins making the climb towards the mount or title appears extremely daunting with how things are after this change.


as my base of operations So far

 had written off Frostfire Ridge in the early previews as a zone that would be Boring Tundra 2.0 and was glad as an Alliance main that I had Shadowmoon Valley as my base of operations. So far, I have been pleasantly impressed with the zone. I get a bit of a Skyrim feel from it(minus the extreme detail of course), but the wind blowing snow into drifts on cold crags is a great feel. When the music is on(it goes in and out in the current build), I enjoy the theme quite a bit and could see myself kicking back and just enjoying the atmosphere when I don't feel like doing a whole lot. That's about all I have to offer for aesthetics. I understand it's very much a WIP. wow gold guide Nice to see that new environment texturing tech getting shown off even more in this expansion.

I do like the feel of garrisons so far. It's more immersive than I anticipated. The NPCs address me as if I have real authority for probably the first time in WoW. So I feel like I'm more a part of the campaign, much like in the old RTS. It has a side effect of making some of the mundane quests for the garrison less mundane. They're still very much kill, gather, talk quests, but they make sense to do. I'm gathering these herbs because I need alchemy supplies for my alchemist. I'm killing this camp of Thunderlords because they're threatening MY camp. It's more personal.


Ruined Bear Tanking? How?

Ruined Bear Tanking? How?

I've never had more fun with my Guardian than in MoP, just sad I couldn't consistently raid hard stuff wow gold guide with him thanks to real life. It beat the crap out of falling asleep doing Lich King Heroic and my only job was hit my CDs for Soul Reaper and don't stand in bad... and yes I fell asleep doing him often. Cataclysm wasn't much better other than micromanaging Pulverize for a modicum of Critical Strike improvement.

Seriously I'd love to hear what you lost that was so dearly beloved that you hate it now.


improve the situation going forward

During and after last night's qualifier matches, we received a number of reports from players who were confused or concerned about how the qualifiers were operating. We've been in constant communication with ESL America (our partner who is administering the NA qualifiers),wow gold farming and have an update on where things stand, and what can be done to improve the situation going forward.

Admin Contact

One of the biggest points of concern we've been hearing is that some players are having trouble getting into contact with tournament administrators when encountering issues. As most, if not all, of the problems we're seeing reported are things that could have been resolved or prevented by getting an admin involved, clearing this up was our first priority. We'd like to clarify the existing method of admin contact to make sure everyone is aware of it, and we're opening up a new option as well.