That scaling looks totally fine for encouraging 25 man groups (hopefully with some new folks getting their feet wet too). I guess it's just a matter of groups not wanting to wait to find that 4th or 5th healer even though it'd be worth it, and other raid remembers being impatient and wanting that 30 minute wing clear.
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I almost want to say that a cross-realm group finder would be really useful. Sort of like the old one we got in Wrath, but it would really work this time if the player pool was big enough for all servers. The interface also needs to be streamlined and more transparent, as you couldn't view every nook and cranny of the raid lists without clicking a bunch of times on each raid individually. I could understand the hesitation to rework this since the first implementation didn't pan out. It's just this feature might be really good for low pops, and flex with 25 people is tuned to a difficulty that it should be doable, as long as someone's willing to lead. Then again, ooqueue might do that just fine if there's an alternative already. I know that with some parts of the game guide on the website retiring, Blizzard has let the fansites handle some aspects of gameplay, so maybe letting openraid/ooqueue do their thing could be the best plan of action (and getting that traffic further empowers these community sites to keep supporting WoW, mutual benefits).