All Stuns now share the same DR category.
•All Incapacitate (sometimes called "mesmerize") effects now share the same DR category and have been merged with the Horror DR category.
•Removed the ability to make cast-time CC spells instant with a cooldown.
+Removed many CC spells entirely, and increased the cooldowns and restrictions on cheap wow gold
+Pet-cast CC is more limited, and in many cases has been removed.
+Cyclone can now be dispelled by immunities and Mass Dispel.
+PvP trinkets now grant immunity to reapplication of an effect from the same spell cast when they break abilities with persistent effects, like Solar Beam.
+Long fears are now shorter in PvP due to the added benefit of a fear changing the players position.
Additionally, we've significantly reduced the number of throughput-increasing cooldowns and procs in order to further reduce burst damage.
PvP written alllll over that.
Thanks, PvPers, you still hold the most powerful spell of all, the PvPQQ.