
I was not flagged when I entered it

One thing I would love is to not be kept flagged after I leave a Battlground, assuming I was not flagged when I entered it. I totally understand the need for rules that euwowgold.com flag you out in the world to prevent players from trolling the opposite faction in ways that keep them safe, thus requiring at least a PVP cooldown timer, but I don't see the point of staying flagged for five minutes after I finished an instanced BG. I'd be far more likely to engage in spontaneous random battlegrounds if I didn't have to park myself somewhere safe first.

Maybe there's a tech thing getting in the way of this, I dunno, but I'd love to see it all the same.


fill out a decent team of level 25 pets

I'm not sure if its related or not but I am mostly still working on trying to fill out a decent team of level 25 pets.

I don't PvP with pets yet but with PvE at least it seems like a lot it is about having the right line up of pets and I don't always have

I mostly use this grid (from warcraftpets.com) to line up against trainers: www.euwowgold.com

There are a lot of beast, flying, aquatic, and critter pets in the world but I am always looking for new Human, undead, dragon, ele, and magic pets.

I was excited when I found out about the lesser voidcaller pet from a post here and went out and got one. I am always looking for ways to fill out my roster.

http://ptr.wowhead.com/map helps me look for new Human, undead, dragon, ele, and magic pets in the wild but I am still working on filling out my pet roster mostly. I did find out about arcane eye (magic) in deadwind pass that way and it has been a godsend while starting out and facing flying pets.


They just change the mount to a really low

Except that heroic/normal garrosh isn't being removed, nor was heroic ragnaros. They just change the mount to a really low drop chance. They also stopped removed rewards for best wow gold site meta raid achievements under the reasoning that the prestige is the date on the achievement and having the reward when few others do. Now they do this, they need to pick a side not play both.


before I killed 2 and recieved honor for both

So...is it first kill on one of the 3 rares? Or first kill for each of the 3 rares?
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I killed all 3 yesterday and only recieved honor on my first one, yet the day before I killed 2 and recieved honor for both.

Then people in General Chat say all 3 give honor once a day, while others say only 1 per day out of all 3 give honor once per day.


There's also the part where attempting to restore

There's also the part where attempting to restore "the old AV" has a lot of different grades to it. Are we talking about AV pre-reinforcements? AV with the Winterax trolls walking about? AV with folks being able to fish and mine ore?
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I think creating a wholly new PVP area that's meant to recapture some of those old elements of AV is the best way to do it, because "bringing back old AV" has a much higher chance of infuriating more people than it pleases because there are a bunch of expectations. Building Ashran and saying "we were influenced by old AV" doesn't confer the same level of expectation, meaning there's a greater chance for more people to be pleased with the result.


All Stuns now share the same DR category

All Stuns now share the same DR category.
•All Incapacitate (sometimes called "mesmerize") effects now share the same DR category and have been merged with the Horror DR category.
•Removed the ability to make cast-time CC spells instant with a cooldown.
+Removed many CC spells entirely, and increased the cooldowns and restrictions on others.buy cheap wow gold
+Pet-cast CC is more limited, and in many cases has been removed.
+Cyclone can now be dispelled by immunities and Mass Dispel.
+PvP trinkets now grant immunity to reapplication of an effect from the same spell cast when they break abilities with persistent effects, like Solar Beam.
+Long fears are now shorter in PvP due to the added benefit of a fear changing the players position.
Additionally, we've significantly reduced the number of throughput-increasing cooldowns and procs in order to further reduce burst damage.

PvP written alllll over that.

Thanks, PvPers, you still hold the most powerful spell of all, the PvPQQ.


I am sorry i agree with the op

I am sorry i agree with the op. I find it pathetic how bad the random loot is. Bonus rolls have done nothing but get you more nothing. I love running flex over and over for free wow gold nothing then hop on a alt kill the timeless island boss 2 weeks in a row and get gloves and legs but cant for the life of me get anything on my main. The longer you go with nothing the more chance you should have. Bonus rolls do nothing and it starts turning people off to raid