
I'm not going to be rash

okay.. could this suck even more than what it already does?????? a mini-legendary type quest to get to fly???? I'm sorry.. this is pure ridiculous in my opinion (just my opinion).. wow.. Blizz.. I was a huge fanboi, but wow.. just wow...
I'm not going to be rash, I will ponder a few days before I reach to what I feel is now inevitable.. but again, just WOW free wow gold


I remember seeing this little guy on wowhead

I remember seeing this little guy on wowhead.com a long time ago, and most of the comments were "Been camping for (X amount) of hours, and still nothing." "I flew out here, and there were none to be found.
ect. ect.
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I love dragons, so I went out to the Caverns to find one. I didn't care for the quality, especially if it was so "rare".

I get there, and they were all over the place =.= I got a common quality and just left.


Why do that rather than just make them change between Strength

Why do that rather than just make them change between Strength, Agility, and Intellect? Some specs have bonus agi or str etc making all jewelry ap or sp makes their bonus weaker. Also it makes agi and int class have less crit doing it that way. cheap Wow Gold eu


bypassing the 5 man limit Blizzard put on that

Not exactly. oQueue was originally built to facilitate full premade groups into random queues, bypassing the 5 man limit Blizzard put on that.
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Once that functionality was broken, oQueue evolved to fill other needs (it may have done so before, but I believe even it's creator states the addon was originally created to bypass premade random queue limits).


Lets all look at the bright side

Lets all look at the bright side

1. U no longer have to activate trap launcher in the starting room, huge buff.
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2. Blizz has always said its hard to balance 11 classes w 33 specs, this removes 3 hunter specs, rets, 2 dk specs, and ww monks from arena,

finally balance.


If relative power is unchanged

My opinion: The squish is irrelevant unless you're an idiot or simply hate big numbers.

Clarification: If relative power is unchanged, than the squish has effectively changed nothing. The item squish will, in such a case, be purely cosmetic. Numbers are not "out of control" in MoP because the absolute numbers mean nothing.
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I will most certainly be testing every single raid I know I can do now after the item squish; in the event I find some I cannot solo, I will be very strenuously complaining about this fact on the forums, as well as providing numbers.

I will be paying particular attention to cases that are currently extremely doable, but very difficult... such as me and my wife 2-manning 25M Aurayia's achivement to kill her without killing any of her sanctum sentries; as case that are already difficult, those will be the most easily lost in the event they fail to properly implement the item squish (and yes, if they fail to preserve all relative powers exactly as they are with literally no change in relative values, I will consider it a failure, since I am not in any way inconvenienced by big numbers and I am not so stupid as to think that "TEH BIG NUMBARS IZ SCARY").