When traversing Azeroth, players may encounter players from other realms who share their same realm type. PvE with PvE, PvP with PvP, RP-PvP with RP-PvP, and RP-PvE with RP-PvE.
The exception to this is that wow gold players are freely able to invite Real ID and BattleTag friends to join their party, even if their realm types do not match. In this case, players will be randomly placed within a party member’s realm. While it might be a little disconcerting to know that players from non-RP realms are adventuring in RP realms, or that players from PvP realms are exploring PvE realms, this is working as intended. Those players are in the company of friends from the target realm.
Please keep in mind that if you choose to group with Real ID and BattleTag friends, you may be placed on a different realm type depending on the members of your party. As such, we recommend grouping with players who belong to realm types you are comfortable with experiencing (such as PvE or RP).
take this opportunity to clarify
Sort of, and something we should take this opportunity to clarify. In Cataclysm, cleave-type mechanics double-dipped on damage bonuses, but we changed that universally in Patch 5.0 on a fundamental level. If you go back to Halfus or Wind Lord Mel'jarak, you'll find that cleave effects that derive their damage from the initial hit now only award buying wow gold safe the bonus damage on the target that is receiving increased damage.
Note that this works both ways. If you Sinister Strike a target that has a 50% damage reduction effect on it, your Blade Flurry will still do full damage to a secondary target, which previously would not have been the case.
The pending hotfix addresses a bug specific to the Garalon encounter which cause these new rules to not apply. Abilities that can hit a leg and the body simultaneously will still be extremely effective on the boss.
Note that this works both ways. If you Sinister Strike a target that has a 50% damage reduction effect on it, your Blade Flurry will still do full damage to a secondary target, which previously would not have been the case.
The pending hotfix addresses a bug specific to the Garalon encounter which cause these new rules to not apply. Abilities that can hit a leg and the body simultaneously will still be extremely effective on the boss.
Regardless of your personal circumstances
The LFR loot system works extremely well for what it's intended to do, it sees a ton of traffic, and gears people up in end-game content that just wasn't possible even a year ago. By all accounts it offers people not able to commit the time, or have the resources, to raid. That in and of itself is a major accomplishment, and the intent of the LFR system. Regardless of your personal circumstances, you can get in there, see the story, World of Warcraft Gold experience most of the content, and get some decent items. But I think the rub is the expectations it sets. It looks like a raid, and it smells like a raid, but there's fundamental differences in how it's perceived due to the format. For traditional raiding you get together with your guildies and friends, you struggle on bosses, wipe after wipe, and finally through teamwork and perseverance you overcome the obstacle, loot drops, and even if you don't win a roll you feel like you've made a meaningful contribution to your team and your chances at success later through the overall gearing up of your raid group. In LFR the entire dynamic has to change because you're being matched up semi-randomly with other players. Because of that there is no feeling of helping your team get better, you enter the queue alone, and it's mainly about personal goals to gear up, which then maybe help you in coordinated raids later. euwowgold You're in there for loot for yourself, and because of that there's less tolerance for overcoming obstacles, so encounters are much easier, and the loot system is per-person and not a communal distribution.
As others have noted the chance to get items in LFR versus a traditional raid scenario are actually higher, but that doesn't change the expectations of people jumping into LFR that this should be a system that provides more consistency. Whatever the underlying reason is for that, I'm not totally sure it matters beyond there is an expectation difference between traditional raiding and LFR. It's something we're keeping an eye on for potential tweaks in the future. We have tech for quests that increases your chance for a quest item to drop if you haven't gotten one recently, and so that's something we're at least beginning to think about and how that kind of consistency system could translate into things like the LFR. If nothing else tweaking drop rates on prior tiers when a new tier hits is pretty low hanging fruit on at least ensuring people can more easily get those last few ilvls so they can queue for the new tier.
As others have noted the chance to get items in LFR versus a traditional raid scenario are actually higher, but that doesn't change the expectations of people jumping into LFR that this should be a system that provides more consistency. Whatever the underlying reason is for that, I'm not totally sure it matters beyond there is an expectation difference between traditional raiding and LFR. It's something we're keeping an eye on for potential tweaks in the future. We have tech for quests that increases your chance for a quest item to drop if you haven't gotten one recently, and so that's something we're at least beginning to think about and how that kind of consistency system could translate into things like the LFR. If nothing else tweaking drop rates on prior tiers when a new tier hits is pretty low hanging fruit on at least ensuring people can more easily get those last few ilvls so they can queue for the new tier.
This is starting to get pretty off-topic
This is starting to get pretty off-topic, and I apologize, but I want to be clear: this is exactly what I do. Daily. For every class. My job as a World of Warcraft Community Representative, as it turns out, is to represent the community. I take my job very seriously. We all do.
I know all too well how frustrating it can be when you're concerned about something and it appears that wow gold we're being silent. I was in those shoes myself until very recently. Just please be aware that silence isn't necessarily a bad thing. In many cases, including this one, it means we're still actively discussing things and just don't have anything we're comfortable sharing yet.
We really do appreciate all of the feedback, both on Hunter concerns as well as how we can communicate better. This thread in particular should probably stick to Hunter concerns, but I want to be the very best (like no one ever was) and can always work to improve how we interact with you guys.
I know all too well how frustrating it can be when you're concerned about something and it appears that wow gold we're being silent. I was in those shoes myself until very recently. Just please be aware that silence isn't necessarily a bad thing. In many cases, including this one, it means we're still actively discussing things and just don't have anything we're comfortable sharing yet.
We really do appreciate all of the feedback, both on Hunter concerns as well as how we can communicate better. This thread in particular should probably stick to Hunter concerns, but I want to be the very best (like no one ever was) and can always work to improve how we interact with you guys.
thus does not increase as players gear up
The increase in base Resilience in patch 5.4 is meant to counterbalance the fact that Resilience is no longer on gear (and thus does not increase as players gear up).
Prior to 5.3, players' survivability would naturally increase with gear. We didn't feel that that was creating an environment that would encourage undergeared players to best wow gold site continue playing, so in 5.3, we moved Resilience off of gear and increased base Resilience.
In Patch 5.4, we needed to do something similar. Since player power is still increasing as players collect more gear, we needed to once again increase base resilience to keep things from getting too out of hand. You'll still feel like your character is improving as you gear up, this just makes sure you don't improve to the point where buy wow gold you're able to kill someone before they have an opportunity to respond.
Prior to 5.3, players' survivability would naturally increase with gear. We didn't feel that that was creating an environment that would encourage undergeared players to best wow gold site continue playing, so in 5.3, we moved Resilience off of gear and increased base Resilience.
In Patch 5.4, we needed to do something similar. Since player power is still increasing as players collect more gear, we needed to once again increase base resilience to keep things from getting too out of hand. You'll still feel like your character is improving as you gear up, this just makes sure you don't improve to the point where buy wow gold you're able to kill someone before they have an opportunity to respond.
in an upcoming PTR build
Hello. We're increasing the maximum message size to 4095 bytes in an upcoming PTR build.
Send function:
BNSendGameData wow gold (presenceID, addonPrefix, message)
Prefix must be <= 16 bytes and cannot include a colon.
The message should be <= 4078 bytes. This is 4095 bytes minus the 16 byte prefix and an added colon separator.
Receive event:
BN_CHAT_MSG_ADDON - prefix, text, “WHISPER”, senderToonID
Send function:
BNSendGameData wow gold (presenceID, addonPrefix, message)
Prefix must be <= 16 bytes and cannot include a colon.
The message should be <= 4078 bytes. This is 4095 bytes minus the 16 byte prefix and an added colon separator.
Receive event:
BN_CHAT_MSG_ADDON - prefix, text, “WHISPER”, senderToonID
Azeroth Choppers: Ask the Bike Experts
For those of you keeping up with Azeroth Choppers, we recently introduced you to the Alliance and Horde teams here at Blizzard. Now we'd like to give you the opportunity to get to know sell Wow Gold the handpicked teams of bike experts that are bringing to life a pair of asphalt-kicking, World of Warcraft-inspired chopper designs.
If you have any questions for Paul Jr. and his crew about bike designs/fabrication, working with Horde and Alliance themes, the trials and tribulations they've faced Wow Gold in recent Azeroth Choppers episodes, or anything else along those lines, please share them here. Feel free to target your questions toward a specific team or individual designer too.
We'll be selecting interesting questions from the community and seeking out answers from the bike experts of teams Alliance and Horde over at Paul Jr. Designs.
You can learn more about Azeroth Choppers and view the latest episodes at www.euwowgold.com.
If you have any questions for Paul Jr. and his crew about bike designs/fabrication, working with Horde and Alliance themes, the trials and tribulations they've faced Wow Gold in recent Azeroth Choppers episodes, or anything else along those lines, please share them here. Feel free to target your questions toward a specific team or individual designer too.
We'll be selecting interesting questions from the community and seeking out answers from the bike experts of teams Alliance and Horde over at Paul Jr. Designs.
You can learn more about Azeroth Choppers and view the latest episodes at www.euwowgold.com.
Ability Consolidation and Refinement
Rogues received several mergers of passive abilities. There's also additional cooldown thinning with the change to Tricks of the Trade.
Blindside’s effects have been merged into baseline Mutilate.
Burst of Speed now www.euwowgold.com costs 25 20 Energy (up from 15 Energy).
Cut to the Chase’s effects have been merged into baseline Envenom.
Energetic Recovery’s effects have been merged into baseline Slice and Dice for Subtlety Rogues.
Envenom now increases poison chance by 30% (up from 15%).
Find Weakness’ effects have been merged into baseline Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot for Subtlety Rogues.
Killing Spree no longer increases all damage done for the duration. Its damage has been increased to compensate.
Master of Subtlety’s effects have been merged into baseline Stealth for Subtlety Rogues.
Relentless Strikes’ effects have www.euwowgold.com been merged into Ruthlessness for Combat Rogues. It remains a separate passive for Assassination and Subtlety Rogues.
Restless Blades’ effects have been merged into Ruthlessness.
Safe Fall’s effects have been merged into baseline Fleet Footed.
Tricks of the Trade now has no www.euwowgold.com energy cost and no longer increases damage caused by the target by 15%.
Venomous Wounds’s effects have been merged into baseline Rupture for Assassination Rogues. It no longer triggers from Garrote and now always triggers when Rupture deals
Blindside’s effects have been merged into baseline Mutilate.
Burst of Speed now www.euwowgold.com costs 25 20 Energy (up from 15 Energy).
Cut to the Chase’s effects have been merged into baseline Envenom.
Energetic Recovery’s effects have been merged into baseline Slice and Dice for Subtlety Rogues.
Envenom now increases poison chance by 30% (up from 15%).
Find Weakness’ effects have been merged into baseline Ambush, Garrote, and Cheap Shot for Subtlety Rogues.
Killing Spree no longer increases all damage done for the duration. Its damage has been increased to compensate.
Master of Subtlety’s effects have been merged into baseline Stealth for Subtlety Rogues.
Relentless Strikes’ effects have www.euwowgold.com been merged into Ruthlessness for Combat Rogues. It remains a separate passive for Assassination and Subtlety Rogues.
Restless Blades’ effects have been merged into Ruthlessness.
Safe Fall’s effects have been merged into baseline Fleet Footed.
Tricks of the Trade now has no www.euwowgold.com energy cost and no longer increases damage caused by the target by 15%.
Venomous Wounds’s effects have been merged into baseline Rupture for Assassination Rogues. It no longer triggers from Garrote and now always triggers when Rupture deals
Know Your Lore: Quests, story, and you in Warlords of Draenor
A new expansion is certainly about delivering new content, but it's also a vehicle for story progression -World of Warcraft Gold- and the end of Mists of Pandaria left behind plenty of questions waiting to be answered. Unfortunately, any questions having to do with Pandaria or Azeroth will have to wait, as we have other, more pressing matters to think about. In Warlords of Draenor, the Iron Horde looms just over the horizon, a threat eerily reminiscent of the old Horde that began the First War so many years ago. Except the Iron Horde is stronger, more organized, and bolstered by the knowledge of just what's on the other side of that Dark Portal they are constructing, thanks to Garrosh Hellscream.
That story, the story of Warlords of Draenor, is taking us in a different kind of direction, the likes of which we Wow Gold eu haven't seen before. While Mists may have pushed the button on innovation as far as max-level content was concerned, its seemingly never-ending cycle of daily quests upon daily quests quickly grew from entertainment to frustration as players quickly grew tired of the cycle of daily gated content and rewards. Warlords has none of that -- but it does have a whole host of new ways to make the story feel important, without overpowering how the player approaches the game.
Please note: The following Know Your Lore contains small spoilers for Warlords of Draenor.
WoW Moviewatch: ANN: Midsummer Fire Festival
Nobody reports on the hijinks of in-game holidays like the Azeroth News Network, and it's time to take a long, hard look at the Midsummer Fire Festival.
Shedding the harsh light of day on the spectacle and insane fires of
the festival, Slightly Impressive's faux-news cast tackles the bizarre
habit of standing by campfires during the hottest months of the year.
We all know that there's a little surreality to all of the holidays, but the Midsummer festival has already made the least sense to me. Fire everywhere, in wooden cities, in the hottest days of summer. It just doesn't add up. But, still, who doesn't want to wear fiery braziers on their shoulders?
We all know that there's a little surreality to all of the holidays, but the Midsummer festival has already made the least sense to me. Fire everywhere, in wooden cities, in the hottest days of summer. It just doesn't add up. But, still, who doesn't want to wear fiery braziers on their shoulders?
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